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Abb Ci840 Profibus Communication Interface 3Bse027064R3100

Availability: 1 in stock




Attribute Value
Manufacturer ABB
Model CI840
Part Number 3BSE027064R3100
Software Version CI840 Base SW Ver: CI840 SW 3.1/0 > PC + ABS < 3BSC 930 324 R11

What is the ABB CI840 Profibus Communication Interface?

The ABB CI840 is a communication interface module that can be integrated with ABB’s AC 800M controller family. It acts as a gateway between the controller and field devices running on the Profibus DP protocol, facilitating real-time data communication and streamlined automation processes.

Key Features

Profibus DP Communication: Facilitates high-speed data exchange with field devices.

Robust and Reliable: Designed for industrial use with high durability.

Seamless Integration: Supports integration with ABB’s AC 800M controllers.

Efficient Data Handling: Accommodates cyclic and acyclic data transfer.

Scalability: Easy expansion of automation networks.

Applications of ABB CI840

ABB CI840 module is broadly applied across different industrial processes, such as:

Manufacturing Plants: Automates production processes and lines.

Power Generation: Supports communication among control systems and field devices.

Oil & Gas: Provides monitoring and control in hazardous locations.

Chemical & Pharmaceutical: Provides accuracy in batch handling and safety functions.

Advantages of ABB CI840 Implementation

Enhanced Communication Efficiency: Profibus DP facilitates fast and secure data exchange.

Increased System Performance: Eliminates delay and enhances process control.

Downtime Reduction: Provides steady and uninterrupted operation.

Cost-Saving: Assists in the optimization of automation investments.

User-Friendly Configuration: Facilitates easy setup and maintenance.




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Abb Ci840 Profibus Communication Interface 3Bse027064R3100

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